Refreshing, improving and adding to your wardrobe always lifts the spirits – and it will also give you new looks to try out in your e-portfolio modelling shots.

But we all know times are hard and money can be tight, so here are five suggestions from Models Direct for those eager to follow fashion while saving money;
1. Sort and sell
The first place to start is with a big seasonal clear out. Empty your wardrobe and all your drawers on to the bed then start creating some piles – yes, no and maybe! Everything in the yes pile is to keep, everything in the no is to get rid of and the maybe pile deserves a second look before you make a decision. Then get your shoes, boots, coats and jackets out and do the same. If you end up with anything decent in the no pile then you should really consider selling it. There are so many great apps and websites for doing this at the moment that we really are spoiled for choice. Talk to friends and family to see which ones work for them, choose apps that seem suitable for the kinds of clothes you are selling and make sure they appeal to the group of people you think will be interested in buying them. Take a number of pictures of each item, present it well (perhaps on and off) and then upload! Any money you make can then go in a pot towards buying yourself one or two lovely new items of clothing!

2. A swapping session
This can be a super fun way of getting rid of items you don’t want, acquiring a few new ones and having a great afternoon with your friends at the same time. Sort out all the clothes you want to get rid of and get your friends to do the same, then spend a few hours trying each other’s clothes on, having a good laugh and doing a few swaps. Equally, swapping sessions can be about lending each other items as well as giving them away permanently. If you have your eye on your best friend’s coat for your next batch of modelling shots, why not see if she’d like to borrow your favourite jacket for a while?
3. Second hand shops
Second-hand and charity shops can be treasure troves of delight! Have a fun afternoon out with your besties wandering from one to another to see what bargains you can find. Try to find out the best time for having a rummage through the latest stock before anyone else does so – and remember it can be well worth hiking over to the charity shops in the more affluent areas of where you live as you can often find a designer item or two for next to nothing!
4. Online bargains

Most of us shop online for much of our clothing and sometimes you simply have to sit there scrolling for hours to find the real bargains. Don’t forget, however, that just as you can sell things through the second-hand and vintage sites apps, they can also be a great place to find that truly special something for a great price.
5. Mix and match
Once you’ve got rid of everything you don’t want and you are left with the pile of clothes you are hanging on to, spread them all out in your room. Try to see things with fresh eyes – could you team your favourite jeans up with a t-shirt or top you haven’t considered before? Could that dress you usually wear out in the evening actually look fantastic with boots and a denim jacket during the day? Mixing and matching can result in a whole new selection of looks with absolutely no new additions to your wardrobe!
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