Introducing your little one to the world of modelling can be a fun experience for you, your tiny tot and all those involved in the photo shoot – but it is worth being prepared.

Here at Models Direct mums and dads of baby and toddler models often have lots of questions about what to take and how to keep their bundle of joy entertained.
So we thought we would answer some of the most common ones here:
Q: How can I prepare for my baby’s modelling shoot?
A: Firstly, try to ensure you and your little cutie have a nice calm day before the shoot and that you both get to bed in reasonable time. Chat to your contact at Models Direct about where you need to be, when and what (if anything) you need to bring. Plan out your journey very carefully, leaving ample time for traffic problems or public transport delays. If you are travelling by train or bus check the night before and in the morning that there aren’t any cancellations. Make a list of all the things you want to bring – the snacks, toys, clothes and other items – then pack the bag carefully the night before to make sure you don’t forget anything. The more organised you are, the less stressful the day will be.

Q: What should I pack for a baby or toddler modelling shoot?
A: Pack anything you have specifically been asked to bring. In addition, bring two or three extra sets of clothes, plenty of warm clothing if the shoot is outside and a blanket or two if your little one will need a nap. Pack some of their favourite foods, snacks and drinks that can be consumed easily if need be, and of course, babies will need everything you usually take out with you for their feeds. Bring along some of their favourite toys, book and anything else that might help you to keep them entertained and happy. Remember, the more prepared you are, the calmer you will be and the easier it will be to keep them content and reassured.
Q: How involved will I need to be on the day?
A: We will need you to be very involved. Your primary job will be to care for your little one, helping to ensure they are not overwhelmed by everything that is going on around them – and that they have fun. Off camera, we will need you to keep your tiny tot busy and well fed. You may wish to try to settle them down for a nap in a quiet corner if they are not required for a spell or you may want to take them out for a walk in their pram or buggy to give them some fresh air. When they are on camera, the shoot director may ask you to help make your baby model smile or your toddler giggle – this is why you should bring some of toys they love along with you.
Q: Will there be anyone there at the baby or toddler modelling shoot to support me?
A: Yes, of course! The crew size will vary depending on the project but looking after you and helping you is a key part of everyone’s job. Not only will people keep you informed as to where you and your baby need to be, but they will make sure you have refreshments, let you know when you can feed your little one or have a short break away from all the activity. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. We are all very experienced at this kind of thing – after all, many of us have organised or overseen lots of toddler and baby shoots. Everyone understands that parents bringing a baby on to a set for the first time may well feel anxious. Everyone also just wants you and your gorgeous girl or handsome little chap to have an enjoyable experience.