The winter chill is settling in fast, morning frost is coating our landscape and forming a part of our regular morning fixture. It’s the coldest season – yes – but this doesn’t mean your winter ePortfolio has to freeze over too. Models Direct brings you winter ideas to ignite and warm up your modelling CV. Have fun trying out the winter ideas we’ve come up with!

Accessorise with winterwear
Yup, not a hard one to have guessed – but set the mood for the winter with apparel that matches the season. Easy! We don’t want anyone guessing so the latest knitwear and mitts will get you going nicely into winter.
Don’t be tempted to remove your previous season’s images
We want our lovely models to keep their portfolios up to date. Spruce them up but don’t remove last season’s images. Why? Well, clients tend to work ahead of schedule as it takes time to build a winning campaign. Working in advance works effectively so it could be that a winter campaign starts in the previous summer or even spring! Whichever way it’s scheduled, be sure to keep those images up so that you don’t lose the key ingredients that set you apart from other models!
Winter themes
Despite the shorter days and longer nights, there’s a lot going on in winter whether that’s you getting on top of your Christmas gift shop or planning your New Year’s getaway – winter has as much to offer as any other time of the year. Find winter-inspired food, drinks, celebrations and activities that you may very well want to be included (you being the centre of attention, of course) in your portfolio.
Christmas lights
We’re fans of Christmas lights as they make us all feel gooey inside. If you’re a fan too, you have to have at least one pic with you, your family or your pet model with lights as your backdrop. No doubt, this isn’t an essential requirement but we’ve added this tip just because we love them too much! If you get a chance, do add one to your portfolio.
Winter landscapes
Find your favourite outdoor spot – park, cafe, shopping mall – whatever your go-to place is and take a snap of yourself within the surroundings. You’ll capture the moment and hopefully have a fitting seasonal background too! If you have any snowfall where you are, grab that smartphone and get clicking away!
Like what you’ve read? Do you have any winter ePortfolio tips of your own? Let us know, we’d love to hear about them! You can DM us, e-mail us or even call. Looking forward to seeing your festive ePortfolio grow this winter season.