With the temperatures shooting up, we want to soak in all the goodness from our source of life – a lovely sun-kissed tan, being outdoors and feeling the true essence of summer sounds just about right! Models, we hope you enjoy this tropical read!

Your skin is amazing!
Your skin is your body’s largest organ. We tend to think of internal organs but this external one is very precious and versatile. Adults carry around 8 pounds of it and has many benefits! It’s our easy-to-move, waterproof superhero, blasting harmful chemicals and deterring bacteria, protecting the body from extreme temperatures, shielding us with insulation, converting calcium into healthy bones and keeping us in touch with the outside world with millions of sensory nerves.
We’re in awe! We rarely get the chance to sit down and soak amazing information like this but we’re glad we did so we could share it with you.
But it’s no fun when your skin is prone to a range of reactions when it meets the abundant solar rays: dryness, itchiness, redness, acne or getting easily burnt aren’t the intended results.
Here are some Models Direct tips to help you keep your skin healthy in the summer sun.
Wear sunscreen
To help beat the harmful UVA (damaging skin causing premature ageing and wrinkles) and UVB rays (skin burning), apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen 15 minutes before you step out into the sweltering heat. SPF 30 is a good starting point and reapply every two hours or more often if you’re sweating or swimming. You’ll have happier sun-ready skin – really!

Moisturise the light way
The light way is the right way particularly when your skin might be feeling parched. You don’t want anything weighing your skin down, clogging your pores and making your skin oily so choose natural (or as natural as possible) skincare that combats oily skin.
Drink lots of water
Drink plenty of water to cool down, replenish lost fluids from perspiration and keep your body and skin feeling fresh and healthy. Having a handy 500ml + bottle will help you know how much you’ve drunk so you can stay on top of your daily intake. You should avoid hot caffeinated drinks, chances are your body will say no anyway, as they make you feel dehydrated.
Leave the spicy foods for another time
Hot and flavour fuelled foods can make you feel even hotter so put down that chilli sauce, pack away the fiery seasoning, and opt for yogurts, fruits and cooler foods.
Avoid going out at the hottest hours of the day
If you can help it, stay indoors so you avoid the sun at its most ferocious period. We admit this cannot always be possible (you might be working on a modelling assignment, say) so stay in the shade to dodge sunburn and possible heat stroke.
Loose clothes, yes, please!
The ickiest feeling when it’s bubbling outside is to wear skin-tight clothes and then come out with a rash! Opt for cotton, loose and free-flowing clothes to keep you cool, calm and collected. Your skin will agree that it’s the wisest choice during a heatwave. Stick on some sunnies too to protect your eyes.

Chilled shower time
Take showers to cool down and help your skin feel revitalised. It can be a refreshing reset from the heat to cool down and enjoy some downtime.
Models Direct hopes these tips help you get through hotter periods so you can take care of your skin in the heat. If you’re experiencing skin-related problems, please seek professional advice from your GP.