Summer is about to arrive in all its beaming glory – and deciding to bring a little seasonal shine to your e-portfolio could brighten it up even more!

As you know, we at Models Direct have a glorious array of models of all types on our books, from babies and toddlers, to children, teenagers, men and women.
Our clients come to us asking for people to play the parts of members of the general public in their advertisements, campaigns and promotions.
Therefore, we need models of all ages, looks, backgrounds and types to be able to offer them.
Once a model has joined us, they create an e-portfolio – and this is what we and our clients look at when trying to find just the right model for every booking.
Our process is simple: clients make specific requests to us, explaining who they would like; we offer them a selection of models that fit the bill and then they make the final choice.
And so, in order for a model to stand out from the others who also match requirements, they should ensure they have fresh, up-to-date photos on their e-portfolio – images that really show them as they look now and that reflect their personality.
Spring, summer, autumn, winter…at Models Direct, we always suggest updating modelling e-portfolio shots with the arrival of a new season.

That way a model’s latest pictures will always look current and of the moment.
So, although the weather is not yet sizzling summer-hot, why not try to get out and about on a sunny day to take some pictures that suggest it is?
Rummage through your wardrobe, flick through the secondhand apps you sometimes buy through and put together one or fabulous new summer looks.
Think cool and collected, bright and beautiful, and try to bring in items of clothing and accessories that will bring a unique summer glow to your pictures.
Then, wait for a lovely sunny day, ask a friend or relative to help you out and head off to somewhere with a lush, green, summery backdrop to start taking your pictures.
Keep snapping away, trying out different poses in different locations, making sure we can see your face at all times.
Then head home, choose the best one or two and upload them to your e-portfolio ready for the arrival of summer.
That way, if you get put forward for a job in the next few months, our clients will see photos that look as fresh as a summer day!