It’s a digital world out there – you don’t need us to tell you that!

Like most of us you probably keep in touch with friends through social media, do your shopping online, stream your favourite boxsets and book your tickets via the web.
You probably know your way round all the main sites and platforms you use like the back of your hand – well why not add us to your favourites list?
We have a sizeable website for Models Direct and on it you can find all you need to know about us, the way we work and how the process for selecting models works.
We tell you more about our clients and our existing models – and we even have a reviews section where they give their own and honest feedback on their assignments.
We also have pages and pages of advice, suggestions and top tips for you – whether you are someone who is considering modelling or someone who has been modelling for years.
There are pages that will guide you on making yourself stand out, presenting yourself to us in your photographs and taking just the right shots to make us and our clients think you might be right for the job.
The most important part of our website for our existing models is the secure e-portfolio section.
When you join us, you will be able to set up an account and manage this yourself – and this is nothing less than essential.
This is the window to you, the way you look and your capabilities.
This is what we look at when we are asked to select certain, specific types of model for our clients – and it is what our clients look at if we put you forward.
Your job is to ensure you check in regularly and update it frequently, as we need to know your pictures are fresh and recent and all your information is up to date.
You will be able to update and add photos, videos, all your measurements and any other important information that we need to know about.
Navigating this part of the website couldn’t be easier and, if for any reason you struggle with it, we are here to help you.
Also on our website is our jobs board – this is where you can also scroll down to see if we are posting any assignments that you would like to put yourself forward for.
Our website has a whole array of ever-changing blogs on it and connects to our other blog sites too.
These include, and
All these blog pages are also packed with tips and advice for you, as well as stories about recent modelling assignments and insight from our models.
Our blog pages are updated on a daily basis so don’t forget to keep checking in!
You should be able to find everything you need on our website, including, of course, all you need to know about joining us.