With the holidays fast-approaching, now is the time to practise capturing great group photos. (Don’t forget to say “cheese!”)

Family models make up a big chunk of the modelling industry. Our talent and modelling agency knows this because we’ve connected many families to clients who are looking to hire for their campaigns. Whether it’s been as a large family unit, or sub-divisions such as mum and child duo (trio or quartet), granddad with grandchildren or aunties, uncles, cousins and blended families, it’s definitely a large niche to launch into.
What’s great is clients tend to hire real families because they know the natural connection, rapport and history of love and communication between family members can translate seamlessly into digital forms.
So with the temperature rising again, the summer is a perfect time to get snapping and building a lovely collection of your family models.
Before you begin snapping away, give a heads up to everyone involved that you’ll be taking in-the-moment snaps so it doesn’t feel forced or orchestrated. This way everyone will get a chance to be in the zone, prepare to strike a pose and connect with their inner model.
Here are some of our tips for winning family modelling photos:
Plan ahead
It’s perfectly fine to be spontaneous and take snaps when everyone least expects it. Those spur-of-the-moment moments can be the most memorable and showcase the best feelings and emotions at the time. However, if you’re getting ready for a night in or a day out, you can plan ahead and think of when and where you’d want to take a pic with all your squad.

If, for example, you’re going out for a picnic, let everyone know that you’ll start taking snaps as soon as everyone chooses a spot to sit, and you’ll continue up until the mat and food have all been placed down. The snaps you’ll whip up during this time will be simple yet amazing – everyone in action (hopefully) helping to get the Tupperware out, plastic plates seated and drinks on standby.
Make use of the natural light
When the sun pops out and stays, early morning till late afternoon is a great time to take photos as the light is softer and more complimenting. So bye-bye squinting eyes, eye discomfort, awkward expressions and harsh shadows because you’re snapping in the wrong light!
Composition – where will everyone be?
Make sure everyone is clear and visible in images. Blurry, fuzzy, out-of-focus images are a no-no even if the snap looks quite exciting. If it’s smudged, keep it for you but not your family portfolio.
Use a selfie stick
If you’ve got shaky hands, don’t want to rely on someone else to take your pics or looking to capture you and your family from a different angle or wider range, then grab a selfie stick to help you. If you don’t have one, they can range from £5 and above.
The more the merrier
Don’t hesitate to keep hitting that take-a-pic button so you have multiple shots to choose from. One image isn’t enough, family models. Take lots and shortlist them according to what you and your family agree on.
Enjoy yourself
Despite the tips provided by our expert Models Direct team, it’s important to have fun and enjoy yourself whilst building your family models. Quick recap: plan ahead, make the most of the natural light, consider composition, use a selfie stick and take loads of snaps!
We’re looking forward to seeing your family snaps on your ePortfolio!