As a family, you’re probably thinking of ways to spend time together over the weekends…but with a budget in mind! Since the cost of living has risen fast and is set to stay like this for some time, you’re being careful not to break the bank and have probably cut out a lot of activities that you might have once all enjoyed together.

What if we told you that there’s a way you can be together and get paid for it?
Intrigued? Want to learn more? Please keep scrolling and reading to find out about families and modelling, and how a typical day might look for them if they’ve been booked for a campaign.
We begin with a scenario (this is a close reflection of a family modelling team signed up with our agency – no names will be included): adult models’ mum, dad, and two child models (both genders) who are under 10 booked for a supermarket giant photoshoot.

It’s Saturday and the family need to arrive at their booking which is roughly 30 miles from their home. They were informed 2 weeks prior by telephone from a designated coordinator about the company, what their project was about, the amount the family will be paid, and the brief. They delightfully accepted and MD sent an email to congratulate them and confirmed all the details of the brief in detail. We then called the family to make sure they were happy to still go ahead and if they had any questions, we were always a phone call away.

So here we are right now, everyone’s ready in neutral summer clothes, light hairstyles and make-up, getting ready for an already fuelled ride to meet the production team, and photographers and get to work. With a couple of sleepyheads that know need to be woken up, they arrive around 20 minutes before schedule giving them all enough time to freshen up.
After more or less than an hour’s car journey (plus anticipated traffic according to a handy app) the family find a spot to park, pay for their parking ticket, and meet the team who have their set already set up for the photoshoot. The family know where to go as their brief stated to meet in the superstore’s cafe.

There the team introduce themselves to the family, the kids are super excited, and the team talk through what the day will look like (even time for a tea break and lunch which will be paid for!), and what sort of photos will be taken.
The lights are on, cameras rolling and the family are role-playing around a café table with some of the food and drinks provided for the photoshoot. It’s a fun time – mum, dad and children are really happy to be doing something completely different, and they’re enjoying it too! The kids are really excited to see what the final stills will look like in print so the team kindly switch a camera around to show them some of the images that were captured. Some were of giggles and conversation whilst others were of them eating and drinking the products to promote the supermarket’s café brand.
A few hours in, plus those free refreshments and lunch, the children are feeling pretty exhausted. Mum and Dad are too!
The team call it a day and thank the family for their time. Everyone feels pleased and positive with how it went and the family are ready for another modelling gig!
Our coordinator calls a day after work to check in on how it went with the family. The children are back to school but model mum and dad are working from home and can fill in with all the highlights and their overall experience of the day. Our happiness check confirms that they are very satisfied and look forward to more work. They are happy to leave feedback about their experience which they can email to our coordinator.
A few days done the line, as promised, they receive that lovely cheque through the post for their hard work and time (their parking ticket charge is also included!). They’re so glad they applied to Models Direct, and as a family modelling team, the experience is even better! They’re making wonderful memories, trying something completely new and being paid for it! You couldn’t ask for more!
If you like the sound of this and what a day tends to look like for a family model, do contact our MD team as we’d love to hear from you and secure work for you and your family.