You know how gorgeous your pet pooch is, so why not let the rest of the world see just how wonderful he is too?

At Models Direct, we are always keen to hear about your cute canines, especially if you think they might fit the bill.
From cockapoos to collies and beagles to bulldogs, all sorts of dogs are required for a wide range of different assignments.
Lifestyle modelling jobs frequently require a happy hound to complete the family picture and, of course, pups are often essential for promoting pet food and other products.

Some of our four-legged model friends will be simply stunningly beautiful examples of their breed, while others may be quirky and cute.

We are sometimes asked for older dogs with experience on set or in front of a camera, yet at other times a client may request a playful puppy or two.
There may well be a professional dog-handler on set and crews will be very experienced at working with animals.

Your pawfect pal does not have to be a show dog or a highly trained hound but you need to feel you and he would enjoy the experience and be capable of following simple directions.
Do remember, however, many of our pet models are simply that – somebody’s pet!
And all sorts of dogs and their owners can find the whole experience extremely rewarding in many ways.
So why not ask yourself the following questions about your canine companion and then perhaps take a few photographs, send us some details and see how you both get on.

1. Would I enjoy taking my dog to modelling assignments, being on hand to help reassure him and encourage him to do whatever is required?
2. Is he happy to be around lots of people in a fairly busy environment?
3. Does he travel well when necessary?

4. Do I think my dog would enjoy being a star pet and being showered with attention?
5. Is he relatively well trained?
6. Does my faithful friend respond well to his name and seem comfortable in front of a camera?
7. Would I like to earn a little more money towards special treats for me and my pet?