Wow! The school holidays have already come to an end; where has the time gone? We bet you were thinking how on earth you’d get through those six dreaded weeks but here you are readying your child for the new academic year again! And, we’re hoping it wasn’t as bad as you thought. In fact, we hope you had a brilliant.
You’ve probably either been prepping for it for a few weeks by getting all your back-to-school gear ready or you might have taken the route. Either way, your child will be in the full swing of school routine again and you’ll want to remember the summer and all the good times you had.
Child models and modelling families
If you have a child model, or you’re a family modelling squad, you may have been called for our summer assignments. We’ve had plenty of work these past months, it’s been busy and buzzing and we’re expecting more; more briefs, more assignments and new clients to look forward to meeting over the rest of the year, and beyond.
Our models range from newborns to seniors and there are no restrictions on looks, size, gender identity, age (which you’ve noted correctly), social status, religious beliefs and marital status.
Getting your child camera-ready
Alongside getting your kid ready for the new school year, they’ll be acquiring new skills and in this case, we want to focus on them being camera-ready. They might be accustomed to you pointing your smartphone towards them, or perhaps some of the modelling jobs they’ve done, but getting them that bit prepared for those iconic school photographs that you’ll be cherished for years to come, will be one less thing for you to worry about, especially for the older bunch.

However, the story might read a little differently for younger children – think nursery and reception ages – as they’ll be busy understanding the world around them, and might not notice the camera lens, the photographer behind it or someone trying to grab their attention.
A trip down memory lane
Remember your own school pics? They probably felt a bit like Marmite – you either loved them or hated them…or you weren’t too fussed. Maybe you were cheeky and managed to pull a funny face just in time for the camera flash, distracting most of your mates, your eyes watered up or you ended up blinking! Maybe yours were always perfect. Our assignments are the same – hiccups do happen along the way and that’s okay because that’s how life rolls – a bit like that rolling camera when you were having your class photo. Our clients are prepared for their on-set photoshoot to sometimes not turn out to be expected, but that’s why they’re always rolling and asking our models to keep going, keep feeling positive and show their true selves so this resonates through the images.
We know you like the sound of that! It isn’t a dream, but it’s something that can come true if you sign up with our agency. If you want to find out more, head on over to our reviews page, and social media like Facebook or subscribe to our blogs because there’s a lot more where this has come from! See you soon and keep smiling!
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