Five top tips to keep your hands looking young

Hands up if you’ve found your fingers feeling dry and your palms slightly rough, with all this constant hand washing we’ve been doing these past few months?

On top of that, the sun is now at its strongest and so, like other uncovered parts of our bodies, our hands are likely to be exposed to a high levels UV rays when we are out and about.

Whether we are hand models or not, most of us will want to do all we can to look after our hands and to keep them looking young for as long as possible.

Hand on heart, it is never too soon to start caring for our mitts – so here are Models Direct’s three top tips to keep your hands looking young:

  1. Stay away from the sun

Hands down, this is one of the most important steps to take.

Ideally, you should apply a sunscreen of SPF50 or higher every time you leave the house, but especially when the sun is at its strongest (between March and October).

Remember to use a waterproof product if you expect to swim and to reapply it regularly, especially after washing your hands.

Wearing a pair of light, UV, sun-protection gloves can also be a good idea, especially when you don’t want to have to drive, work or take part in another outdoor activity with sunscreen on your hands.

  1. Stop smoking

Smoking can also cause premature aging to the hands, as well as to the rest of the body.

Not only can nicotine cause stains, wrinkles and loose skin, but it can also prevent cuts, grazes and other blemishes from healing as quickly as they should.

Hand models and others keen to have magnificent mitts should try to stop smoking as soon as possible for the health of their hands as well as the rest of their bodies.

  1. Wear gloves as protection

Keep a pair of gloves handy for every eventuality.

Outdoor and gardening work can roughen hands and make them look older than they are so if you enjoy these activities invest in a pair of special gloves.

Likewise, make sure you always wear rubber gloves for washing up and cleaning the house as hot water can remove natural oils and detergents can also be extremely damaging.

During the winter months, when the cold weather can also cause dry, cracked skin, ensure you wear a pair of good thick gloves to keep your hands warm and protected.

  1. Use the right lotions and potions

Once again, in this era of intensive hand washing, make sure you moisturise your hands frequently, including first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

Ensure you choose a simple lotion that can be applied liberally, with regularity, and that does not cause your skin to react in any way.

Likewise, washing your hands with an unscented soap can be a good idea and remembering that overly strong bath products can also sometimes have a negative effect of hand skin.

  1. Look after yourself

Remember, the health of your hands goes hand in glove, with the health of the rest of your body.

A sensible diet, plenty of exercise and a good night’s sleep will improve your circulation and help to stop your skin from getting too dry and your hands from suffering.

Look after yourself to keep yourself generally looking and feeling younger – and hopefully your hands will also benefit from your overall sense of improved wellbeing.