There are so many good reasons to get moving and what better time is there to do so than the end of one month and the beginning of another?

Yes, whether you are already one of our models or you are considering joining us, March is the ideal time to start trying to exercise more.
After all, the weather should soon be improving and we will soon be welcoming the spring!
There are so many reasons to exercise:
*To lower blood pressure and have a healthier heart
*To improve your memory and brain health
*To assist your mental health
*To help you to maintain a healthy body weight
*To boost your energy levels and your mood
*To help you sleep better at night

But, in addition, getting moving can also be fun, sociable and a great way to spend time with those you love.
Deciding to start exercising this March doesn’t have to mean huge changes to your lifestyle – in fact, any additional exercise that you do at all will have some effect!
And sometimes it is easier to start with small manageable steps, rather than putting yourself through a punishing regime that is likely to fail not long after starting it.
So here are a few suggestions for helping you to get moving this March:
*Start a group chat with friends and take turns at suggesting somewhere new to walk every weekend. A couple of hours spent walking, chatting and seeing your favourite people will be an enjoyable and healthy way of passing a few hours.

*Try to add in one extra useful walk each week – this could be walking to school, college or work at least once instead of driving. It could mean deciding to walk home at the end of the day once a week instead of catching the bus. Or you could choose to walk to the shops or out to meet your friends in the evening, instead of driving or jumping in a cab…
*Find a drop-in, pay-as-you-go class in your area. There are lots of these around nowadays – try step, body pump, boxercise or water aerobics, for example. Or have a look at the dance-based ones, which can be great fun – zumba, rockbox or disco cardio, for example. Choose one that is at a time that fits in with your schedule and don’t worry if it is all new to you. Most of these classes are full of people of varying ages and abilities who are all just looking to have fun!

*Take up a new sport – start playing tennis, badminton or squash with your friends. Arrange to go swimming once a week with a friend and set yourselves some targets for the number of lengths you want to swim. We have models on our books who have taken up sports and gone on to become fitness or sports models, but for most people, it is just about staying healthy and having fun!